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Ghatsthapana Dharmasindhu ENGLISH

Writer's picture: Vedmata Gayatri J & D Kendra Vedmata Gayatri J & D Kendra

Ghatsthapana Dharmasindhu

The Navratri of Devi begins on Ashwin Shukla Pratipada.  With the word Navratri, one should know the deeds to be done starting from Ashwin Shukla Pratipada till Mahanavami.  In this karma, worship is predominant.  Fasting and hymns, japa etc.  Fasting, Ekabhakta, Nakta, A

yachit, as per Kulachara, a Vrat and Saptashati, Lakshmi Hridayadi Stotas and Japa as per Kulachara, from Pratipada containing Karma to Navami on nine Tithi days should know the meaning of the word Navratri.  , lack of fasting etc.  Lack of worship in Navratri Karma, however, is not found in any clan.  It is no wonder if there is a lack of worship in those clans which do not observe Navratri at all.  Their story is different.

At the place of Navratri Karma, Brahminadi Char Varna and Mlechcha etc. have authority.  A Brahmin should perform sattvik worship with japa, homa, food sacrifice, offering.  Kshatriyas and Vaishyas also have the right to such royal worship with meats and chanting, homa.  This right is only nominal, not permanent.  If such a Kshatriya performs sattvic worship, salvation etc. will be attained.  Similarly Shudrandikas also get Falatishay through sattvic worship.  Shudrandikas are prescribed Tamas Puja without mantras, without Japa and with Masandi Drava.  Shudras should perform sattvic worship consisting of Saptashati, Japa, Homa by Brahmin. Shudra woman has no right to recite Puranamantra by herself.  Therefore, in the commentary on the phrases 'Shudra will attain happiness' etc., it has been said that a woman, a Shudra, gets fruit only by hearing and not by recitation.  From this it should be understood that there is a fault if women and Shudras recite the Gita and Vishnu Sahasranam.  But it is written in some that even women and Shudras have the right to perform such puja with Puranamantra.  That is, on the basis of these writers, it is proved that there is no problem in reciting the Gita etc.  Japa, Homa etc should be done by Brahmins.  Mlechchas etc. have no right to perform Japa, Homa and Samantrak Puja even by Brahmins.  But they should dedicate that healing to the intention of the Goddess.

Subsidiaries of Navratri-

 Navratri should be observed for seven days from Tritiya to Navami.  Navratri should be observed for five days from Panchami to Navami.  Navratri should be observed for three days from Saptami to Navami.  Navratri should be observed for two days from Ashtami to Navami.  If it is to be done on a single day, it should be done on Keval Ashtami or Keval Navami.  The arrangement of these parties should be known according to their own culture or if the first party is impossible due to restrictions.  In this the decision of Tritiya and Panchami should be understood as Saptami.  I will tell you the decision of Saptami next.  If there is an excess or deficiency of days due to decay or increase of Tithi at the places of the parties mentioned above, frequency of worship etc. should be done.  (In other words, if there is an increase in tithi, one should do the pooja once on both days and if there is a decay, then the pooja should be done twice on one day.) If there is a dinakshaya, one does the pooja and chant eight eight times.  This Navratri worship of Goddess is regular and also Kamya. without reason.  The fault has been told and the result has been told.

Establishing Ghat in this Navratri;  To worship your respective deity three times, twice or once in the morning, mid-afternoon and Pradoshkali;  Chanting of Saptashati etc.;  continuous lamp;  Garlanding according to our ritual;  Fasting, Nakta, Ekabhakta etc. rules: Suvasinibhojana;  Kumari Bhojan, Poojan etc.;  On the last day it is said to do activities like Saptashati etc.  Some of these clans perform Ghatasthapana etc. only two or three deeds, not all.  In some clans, others do other things through the establishment of clans.  In some clans all do.  The totality of these deeds (doing all deeds) or the arrangement (doing some deeds) should be known as the kulachara of one's own deeds.  If Shakti is there, however, it is etiquette not to do more than the Karma received by our ancestors.  If there is no kulachar, fasting etc. should be done while wishing for the fruit.  Do not do this Ghatstashana at night.  For the installation of the kalash, make a Vedi with pure dead bodies and collect Pancha Pallava, Durva, Phal, Tambul, Kumkum Dhoop etc.

Athasankhepatonavaratrarambhaprayoga pratipadimata kritabhyangamana kunkumachandanadikritapundraghritapavitrah sapatnikakodashaghatikamadhye abhijinmuhurte va desaka- sankirtya


 By saying this deity in my family, for the attainment of four kinds of human purposes, such as wine, wealth, sons, etc., and the enemy of growth, victory, fame, etc., As long as I have attained the customs of the family, I shall perform the rituals known as the Autumn Navratri festival, as part of the worship of the deity, and I shall perform the worship of Ganapati without interruption, the recitation of Punyaha, the chanting of Chandi Saptashati.

It should be decided like this.  After the Brahmin Varana for Ganapati Pujan, Punyahwachan and Chandi and Saptashati, Ghatasthapana is to be done, then with the mantra "Mahi Dayu" one should touch the soil and add pure mritika to that soil for sprouting.  The mantra "Oshadhay: San0" should put yava etc. in that death.  Keep it with the mantra "Akalsheshu" and fill it with Udka with the mantra "Im me Gange".  With this mantra "Gandhdwara" should add fragrance. "Ya Oshadhi" with this mantra "All the medicinals (Leprosy, Mansi, Turmeric, Ambe Hald, Vekhand, Champak, Chandan, Dagdaphool, Nagarmotha, Mura) should be kept in the kalasha.  Durva should be kept in the urn with the mantra "Kandakandaat".  With the mantra "Ashvattheva0" one should keep the Pancha Pallavas in the kalash. With the mantra "Syona Prithivi" one should put the sapta mrittika (the mritikas of elephant, asva, Rajdvara, Varul, Chabatha, Hrid, Goshtha) in the kalash. With the mantra "Phalini:0" the fruit should be kept in the kalash.  With the mantra "Sahi Ratnanih" one should keep gems (gold, diamond, poblen, mauktik, indigo) and gold with the mantra "Hiranyrup 0". Then by covering the kalashala with sutra, with the mantra "Poorna D0" and putting a full sail on it, "Tattva Yami"  Varuna should be worshiped with Mantra.  Then you should place the image of your deity on that kalash and worship it.  Or the image of the deity should be installed in the place and worshiped.  It is like "Jayanti Mangala Kali Bhadrakali Kapalini. Durga Kshama Shiva Dhatri Swaha Swadha Namostu Te. Yuvasuvasa Ya Mantra Ya Te || Agachcha Varde Devi Daityadarpanishudini. Poojam Grihan Sumukhi Namaste Shankarbhiye || Kali0" and the sukha should be worshiped with this mantra.  "Sarva Mangalamangalye 0" Mantra and Purushukta and Srisukta should be invoked first and prayed with mantras such as "Jayanti Mangala etc. If there is a party to sacrifice daily, then sacrifice of rice mixed with fish or Kushmanda should be offered. Or sacrifice only on the last day or not at all. Then "Akhanddeepakam"  Devya: Preitye Navratrakam.  ॥  This mantra should establish Akhanddeepa.

Type of Chandipatha.

 A Brahmin should perform the asanadik ritual by resolving "Yajamanen Vritochaham Chandisaptasatipatham Narayanahrdayalakshmihrdaypatham va karishye". Place the book written by someone else on the peetha and start by saluting Narayana.  One should pronounce and pronounce Ankara after all the recitations. Rules of reading the book- Do not hold the book in hand. A book written by oneself or written by a non-Brahmin is useless. Stop when the chapter ends. If you stop in between, read the chapter again from the beginning.  Reading should be done in a manner that is not too fast and not too slow, with clear pronunciation and rasa, bhava, svar.  "One who desires Dharma, meaning and work should always recite the Chandi Path and always listen to the devotee"  In the place of all the peace-makers, there are nightmares and the plagues of the fierce planets, and I am also in the wilderness surrounded by objects surrounded by fire or held by the enemy in the wilderness, and also afflicted with all kinds of fierce obstacles or pains.  becomes free.  " That is the promise.

Recite three times for the destruction of nuisance.  Five for the peace of Maha's pain and nine for the fruition of Bajpeyyagyna, eleven for the subjugation of the king, twelve for the destruction of the enemy, fourteen for the subjugation of men and women, fifteen for the love of Soukhya and Lakshmi, sixteen for the wealth of sons and grandsons, seventeen for the destruction of Rajbhaya, eighteen for the destruction of Vanbhaya, twenty for the destruction of Vanbhaya,  Twenty-five for getting rid of bonds, one hundred for the destruction of diseases and death of the clan, increase of the enemy, increase of disease, spiritual, metaphysical and supernatural origin, etc.  It is said in the Varahitantra that when recited together, the fruits of one hundred Ashwamegha yajnas, the fulfillment of all the desires and salvation are attained.  All those who practice Kamyapath should first worship with resolve and finally sacrifice.  In this Navratri, if there is achar, recitation of Vedas should also be done.

Method of Kumari Puja - A girl of one year should refrain from worship.  From a two-year-old girl to a ten-year-old girl, Kumari should be worshipped.  The names of nine virgins should be known as 2-year-old Kumari, 3-year-old Trimurti, 4-year-old Kalyani, 5-year-old Rohini, 6-year-old Kali, 7-year-old Chandika, 8-year-old Shambhavi, 9-year-old Durga and 10-year-old Madra.  Every worshiper of this Kumari should see the mantras, fruits, symptoms, etc. of other glands.  A Brahmin should worship a Brahmin Kumari.  This is how Savarna Kumari is spacious.  It has been said that a non-caste Kumari should also be worshiped like a special Kamana.  Every day one more or one every day should be worshiped like this.  "Mantrakshamayi Lakshmi Matrinam Rupadharinim.  Nava Durgatmika Sakshatkanyamavahaya- myham ||  Jagatpoojye Jagadwanye Sarva Shakti Swarupi.  Poojan Grihana Kumari Jaganmaatrnmostu to ॥  "This mantra should be understood as a summary that worship should be done with clothes, saffron, incense, incense, lamps and food. Like Kumari Puja, Devi Puja and Chandipath should be performed daily. Bhavani Sahasranama should also be recited. It is forbidden in Malamasa during Navratri Festival in autumn. Sukrast  etc.; but the first initiation should not be done during Shukrastadika. In the case of dead castration and genital defecation, all the rituals should be done by a Brahmin from Ghatasthapana.

But when people do worship, touch the deity, etc., they do it by someone else because they are worthy of censure.  If Pratipada wants to start Navratri on Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, etc. by taking the help of subordinate parties, then if it is on Tritiya, if it is on Tritiya, then on Panchami, then someone else does Navratri by accepting the subordinate party and if it is completely lost, then only from Brahmin.  are done  Body rules such as fasting etc. should be followed by oneself.  Similarly, Raj-Swale should also fast himself and get Pujadik performed by someone else.  During Navratri, the lucky women are told that there is no dosha regarding gandha, tambul etc. on the day of fasting.

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