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Shree Vithhal Pandurang

Satyanarayan EPuja with all puja material in Marathi Hindi English Sanskrit

  • Shri Satyanarayan Puja is performed to seek blessing of God Narayan which is one of the forms of Lord Vishnu. The Lord in this form is considered an embodiment of truth. Although there is no fixed day to perform Satyanarayan Puja but doing it during Purnima or Pournami is considered highly auspicious.Devotees should observe the fast on Puja day. The Puja can be done in the morning as well as in the evening. However performing Satyanarayan Puja in the evening is considered more appropriate as devotees can break the fast with Prasadam in the evening.We list Shree Satyanarayan Puja dates for evening time. Hence listed Satyanarayan Puja day might fall on Chaturdashi i.e. one day before Purnima. Devotees who prefer to do Puja in the morning should consult us to make sure that Puja is done within Purnima Tithi. On Purnima day, Tithi might get over during morning time and because of it Purnima Tithi is not always suitable for morning Puja.

    501,00$ Standardpreis

    March End Sale 2024


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